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CF® Dye Picolyl Azide

CF® dye picolyl azide derivatives fluorescently label alkyne groups on biomolecules via the standard azide-alkyne cycloaddition, but at low copper concentrations.

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Product Description

CF® dye picolyl azide derivatives react with alkyne groups to form 1,2,3-triazole by 1,3-dipolar Huisgen cycloaddition. They offer benefits of the typical azide-alkyne cycloaddition but at a much lower copper (I) concentration without sacrificing reaction efficiency making it compatible with live cell labeling and copper-sensitive systems.

  • Fluorescent detection or labeling of alkyne containing biomolecules in vitro or in vivo.
  • Bioorthogonal azide-alkyne cycloaddition reaction at low copper (I) concentrations.
  • Bright, photostable and water-soluble CF® dyes are excellent options for fluorescent labeling.

Superior CF® Dyes
CF® dyes are Biotium’s line of next-generation fluorescent dyes that have improved brightness, photostability and water solubility compared to Alexa Fluor®, DyLight®, and other fluorescent dyes.

Learn more about CF® Dyes. For more information download the CF® Dye Brochure.

We also offer CF® dye azide derivatives for copper-catalyzed azide-alkyne cycloaddition reactions or copper-free bioorthogonal reactions with cyclooctynes and BCN group containing molecules.

CF Dye Picolyl Azide: Product & SKU Summary

CF®488A Picolyl AzideCF®488A490/515 nm0.5 mg92187Purchase 92187
CF®568 Picolyl AzideCF®568562/583 nm0.5 mg92188Purchase 92188
CF®594 Picolyl AzideCF®594593/614 nm0.5 mg92189Purchase 92189
CF®640R Picolyl AzideCF®640R642/662 nm0.5 mg92190Purchase 92190
CF®647 Picolyl AzideCF®647650/665 nm0.5 mg92191Purchase 92191
CF®660C Picolyl AzideCF®660C667/685 nm0.5 mg96001Purchase 96001
CF®660R Picolyl AzideCF®660R663/682 nm0.5 mg96002Purchase 96002
CF®680 Picolyl AzideCF®680681/698 nm0.5 mg96003Purchase 96003
CF®680R Picolyl AzideCF®680R680/701 nm0.5 mg96007Purchase 96007


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